One hour later……
One hour later……
Don’t panic, only kidding, this was all planned, although it looks rather harsh. We’re really, really hoping that with some manure and TLC the privet hedge will regenerate a good as new. We are planning on having our mish-mash concrete patio levelled and needed to cut it back before work starts.
Please grow!!
What annoyed me greatly was that the previous owner had left so much rubble behind when he constructed the patio. I dug out 8 (liftable) sacks of broken paving slabs and clusters of bricks. I will offer them on freecycle before recycling them at the tip. ( I know it's a 'he' as I work with his nephew!)
There are now signs in the garden that spring will soon be upon us:
A baby newt found hiding in the soil under the (now bare) hedge.
The camelia which has been in flower since late January!
And the frogs must have known that it was Valentines Day last week!