Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Things seem to be growing really well at the moment. The sweet corn is really putting on height and I’ve not lost any to slugs.

Same goes for the Brussels Sprouts and Curly Kale- netted from cabbage whites and pigeons.

The spuds are doing their best to shade out the weeds, but I think I could have planted them closer together. Earthing them up is quite hard in the raised beds, so note to self for next year – rake all the soil to the middle of the bed before planting two rows then use this to earth them up. One bed of lates didn’t get done or weeded (top right) and they don’t seem to be doing as well as the others. Too late to worry now though and I guess we’ll be over run with spuds at the end of the season anyway!

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Productive weekend!

I managed to get my 42 sweet corn seedlings planted out

Pea, pink climbing bean and mange tout seedlings transplanted and fresh seeds sown,

Beetroot sown

Peas planted and new seed sown. (garlic to the left is amost finished)

I went back at about 9pm Sunday evening on slug watch- to pick off the offenders into the bucket and re-locate them to a ‘wild’ part of the site. (Can’t bear to dispatch them!) I lost count after 50, the majority of whom were happily devouring my onions!