Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Time Management...

What little spare time I have has to be used very wisely and divvied up between what needs to be done and what I’d like to do; in the house, in the garden and on the plot, while making sure I get enough sleep!

The weeds have not made any allowances for the fact that I’ve just had a baby. One fellow plot holder actually complemented on how lush they were, asking what crop it was that I was growing!

This prompted me to start pulling them out and have so far cleared 2 beds ready for the leeks and brasicas. I can’t bear to look at the other 6 that also need clearing, but at least I managed to clear and cover some last year in order to grow:

Spuds: Valour & Sarpo Mira planted by HWDD while back- but I can’t remember the exact date (never mind- he calls it ‘Mum-neisia’)

Onions: Red Barron & white- can’t remember & can’t be bothered to go & unlock the shed to find out! (started in trays) Garlic: Red & white from Kings
A rainbow of soft fruit: Strawberries, Black & Red Currants, Blackberries, Blue berries and some promising flowers on the cranberries for the first time.

My mum & Dad visited today and we took a stroll over to the plot, picked some strawberries & rhubarb. The pram is a great help in carrying the produce home. (underneath- Baby Digger is not sharing with produce (yet!))

The parting shot is of the garden last week, in rough comparison to what it was like 6 years ago when we moved in.

PS: One last photo of Baby Digger at 10 weeks old - sorry I couldn't resist!